Propostas para o Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS)
Reflexões sobre a regionalização a partir da análise de indicadores selecionados para caracterizar a efetividade da Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) nas Macrorregiões de Saúde do Brasil
Regionalization, Health Macro-regions, Primary Health Care, PerformanceAbstract
The regionalized organization of SUS is complex and there is no organized information on its structure and results. This study proposes a diagnosis of the 116 health macro-regions of the country, from the primary care perspective. Thirty-three indicators were selected, grouped into 4 dimensions based on factorial/cluster analysis: Socioeconomic, Structure, Primary Health Care (PHC) Actions and Services, and Evidence of Resolving PHC. Considering the classification above/below the median, for each indicator, and the proportion of well-evaluated indicators in each dimension, performance scores were assigned to the macro-regions.
Considerable variability was observed for all indicators and analysis dimensions. In the final classification, 20% of the macro-regions are in the best performance range; the others are equally divided into those with the worst and median performance. The 10 worst performing macro-regions are in the Midwest, Northeast, and North regions. The 10 with the best performance, are in the Southeast and South. Differences in demographic and socioeconomic profile suggest different levels of complexity to operationalize regional spaces. The North and Northeast macro-regions have the worst indicators in the 'Socioeconomic' dimension, bringing challenges to structuring problem-solving networks based on PHC.
The importance of looking at the structure of PHC in macro-regions is to establish minimum parameters of physical and human resources according to the population served. For 'PHC Actions and Services' and 'Evidence of Resolving PHC', most macro-regions are in the two lower performance bands, in the 5 regions of the country, with gaps in the follow-up of chronic patients. The study highlighted the importance of: defining minimum parameters of physical structure and human resources for PHC and identifying macro-regions that require corrective actions; validation of metrics to monitor and agree on results in macro-regions, including clinical outcome measures; and carry out case studies in the macro-regions identifying positive and negative experiences.
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